•The Hour Pillar attributes of Bing and Ding Fire respectively in each of the 12 months.
•Useful Gods selection reference guide based on the Hour of Birth for each of the 12 months.
•Learn how to select the Useful Gods and Favorable Elements of a BaZi chart for the Earth Day Masters in all 12 months of the year based on its Hour of Birth.
•Detailed classical commentary on the factors affecting the overall strength of the Day Master and the Hour Pillar in 12 different months.
•Additional Hour Attributes that may affect the Day Master depending on different Structures and Useful Gods.
Part A: Bing Fire Day Master
Detailed commentaries and in-depth descriptions pertaining to people of Bing Fire and their 12 Hour Pillar Attributes in all 12 months of a year.
Part B: Ding Fire Day Master
The Ding Fire Day Master and 12 Hour Pillar Attributes in each month of a year are discussed and explained with tables and notes.